Did you know Bethany has 11 “Big Ass Fans” scattered throughout the church that were installed in 2020? Ceiling fans help circulate air throughout a room, preventing stagnant pockets of hot or cold air. This can help maintain a more even temperature distribution, which is particularly beneficial in larger rooms (i.e. the sanctuary, gymnasium, and fellowship hall). In the winter, hot air rises, so the use of the big ass fans would be to push that hot air down. This is especially important because Bethany United Church’s sanctuary doesn't have insulated ceilings. Installing ceiling fans is often more cost-effective than installing central air conditioning or ductless systems. They can be a great option for those looking to improve comfort without a significant investment. It is important to keep this in mind as our fans are our main source of cooling or ‘air conditioning’ throughout the summer and can maintain the temperature in terms of heating in the summer.