Note: members or chairs of each committee can be contacted through our main office line (see Contact Us).

Executive Board: Generally responsible for exercising leadership in the care and oversight of the spiritual life, activities and the work of the Congregation, the care and maintenance of the church property and to act as a liaison between the Congregation and the Halifax Presbetery.
Co-Chairs: Charles Maxner & Glen Knapp

Session: Responsible for the spiritual care of the congregation, its membership and use of the Sanctuary.  Most of the committees report to the session, including the lead minister, minister of visitation and pastoral care, Christian education, membership, local outreach, worship committee, fellowship, communion and transportation.  The session meets once bi-monthly from September to May.
Chair: Lisa Harrison

Ministry and Personnel: The Ministry and Personnel Committee, better known as the M&P Committee, consists of church members and /or adherents that have been selected to support pastoral relationships.  One of the duties of the M&P Committee is carrying out regular semi-annual interviews with the staff, both ministerial and non-ministerial. Issues discussed include such items as general working conditions, job descriptions, goals and continuing education plans. As well, any member/adherent of the congregation may request a confidential meeting with the committee should they have any comments/concerns regarding church staff.
Chair: Herb Steeves

Board of Trustees: The Board of Trustees holds legal title to Bethany’s premises for the congregation and ensures that the church facilities are used for purposes sanctioned by the congregation.
Chair: Bill Piercey

Board of Managers: Oversee the financial operation and maintenance of the church, including revenue, expenditures, budgeting and financial planning.
Chair: Andy Williams

Flower Committee: Provides decorations and flowers during Easter, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day, Christmas and as required on other Sundays, and oversees the distribution of funds from its memorial fund.
Chair: Barbara McCurdy 

Funeral Reception: Provides reception services during funerals at Bethany.
Contact: Louisa Duck

Local Outreach: This committee is dedicated to reaching out into the community and providing help to those in need and the economically disadvantaged in Halifax. More information is provided on our Local Outreach page.
Chair: Ann Bradley

Nominating Committee: Provides nominations for board and committee vacancies in advance of Bethany’s annual general meeting.
Chair: Jim Musgrave

Worship Committee: This committee oversees the worship services at Bethany United Church, endeavoring to plan and provide “and awesome and transforming” worship experience for all.
Chair: Elizabeth Carter

Transportation Committee: Members of the congregation provide transportation to and from Sunday services to those who require assistance or could otherwise not get to Bethany. Drivers are always needed and can sign up for a week or a month.
Contact: Heather Gillis/Harriet King

Community Connections Working Group: Nurturing human connection is the spirit of this committee. The volunteers of this working group are building community spirit here at Bethany, and in our Armdale community through the development of opportunities for connection with youth, new Canadians, and seniors.
Contact: Ann Bradley/Cheri Wilson