Land Acknowledgement

Land Acknowledgement

Bethany United Church acknowledges Mi'kma'ki, the traditional territory upon which our community of faith gathers in life and work.  For many thousands of years, the Mi’kmaq Peoples have sought to walk gently on this land and travel graciously on the waters. As a community of faith, we stand at a crucial time in the life of the church, and the history of Canada, to commit to travelling further together with our First Nation kin. We tried to make Mi’kmaq Peoples be like us and in so doing we helped to destroy the vision that made them what they were. For more than thirty years, the United Church and Indigenous peoples have been on a journey towards mutuality, respect and equity. Towards reconciliation. Towards justice. Towards peace. Towards friendship.

Bethany United Church is located in

We'kwaltijk (Northwest Arm) “end of the bay; ending without a river coming in”

(Mi'kmaw place names in an area of Sipekne'katik on the Atlantic Coast in Mi'kma'ki.)

Kjipuktuk (Halifax) “Great Harbour”

(Mi'kmaw place names in an area of Sipekne'katik on the Atlantic Coast in Mi'kma'ki.)

Sɨpekne'katik “area of wild potato/turnip”

(One of seven districts of Mi'kma'ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq.)

BUC LA We Are All Treaty People.png

Live into peace and friendship, knowing that we are all TREATY people.