Local Outreach
Jesus said, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me. (Matthew 25:35-36)
Local Outreach is a ministry of Session and is directly supported by the congregation through designated contributions in the weekly offering as well as various fundraisers such as Toonies for Tummies, No Food – Food Bank Sundays and The Bethany Players live theatre productions. On behalf of Bethany Church, this money is used to serve persons in need of food and clothing items in the Metro Halifax area.
We support the following community agencies on a regular basis:
Adsum House
Brunswick St. Mission
Bryony House
Camp Kidston Club Inclusion
Fairview United Resource Centre
Halifax West Ecumenical Food Bank
Hope Cottage
Laing House
Metro Turning Point
Phoenix Youth Programs
*CLICK on BLUE words to view opportunity in specific support this community agency.
Bethany also prepares and serves a meal twice a year for the St. Andrew’s Sunday Supper. A hot meal is prepared the morning of in our own kitchen by the Outreach Committee and volunteers and served during the supper hour at St. Andrew’s United Church. In April and November, a No Food - Food Bank Sunday is held to raise funds to assist the Halifax West Ecumenical Food Bank.
During the late Fall, the Committee sponsors a number of projects to support programs during the Christmas season. The Clothing and Food Box provide articles of warm clothing and non-perishable food items to Brunswick Street Mission, Phoenix Programs for Youth, Salvation Army and the Halifax West Ecumenical Food Bank. Bethany also supports the food bank with donations of food and funds for Christmas dinners. In addition, over 100 gifts are donated to the Salvation Army Angel Tree.
If you would like to offer a donation in support of Local Outreach or become involved with the outreach ministry at Bethany please contact the church office.
Committee Members:
Ann Bradley, Chair
Tim Cormier
Don Grant
Margie Guy, Halifax West Ecumenical Food Bank Donations
Carol Knapp, Recording Secretary
Glen Knapp, Sunday Supper Coordinator
Cathy McDonald
Gary Gallant, Treasurer
George Russell
Anne Pugh, Brunswick St. Mission Clothing Donations Zenora Rackham
Sharon Wentzell, Halifax West Ecumenical Food Bank Board Member
UPDATE from the United Church of Canada
Mission and Service 2018 Contributions
It takes money to put faith into action. We are all very grateful for the contributions of congregations, UCWs, families, and individuals to the collective work of the church.
Mission & Service is The United Church of Canada’s main fund for mission and ministry.
Mission & Service donations support congregations and new church development, Canadian outreach programs, international relief and development, training and supporting ministers, and maintaining ecumenical relationships.
Click below to read a recent letter received and our certificate of donations given by Bethany United Pastoral Charge and our UCW: