Duncan's Tree

This Sunday we hear Jesus tell the parable of the fig tree that wasn’t bearing fruit, and explore the two concepts of rest and growth. The devotional question for Sunday is “Do you find yourself more in a season of rest, or growth, or both?”

This is the time of year when we start to anticipate the new growth appearing in our gardens. Many years ago a professor at a theological seminary in Costa Rica told a group of us that he had spent a year in Kingston, Ontario while on sabbatical, and that he absolutely loved Canada. He said that it was a gift to be in a climate where the seasons change so dramatically – to experience a climate where you could actually see the resurrection as it occurs in nature. He said it was a very real and tangible reminder of the biblical resurrection story. He said in his climate it’s hard to see the obvious cycle of death and rebirth as it occurs in nature.

Here is the story of Duncan’s Tree, pictured above.

One Sunday afternoon in the summer of 2020, Pat and I went for a drive to Ketch Harbour, a little village about 30 minutes outside of Halifax where my in-laws lived for many years. We drove by their old house, and at the end of the driveway was a tree, about 15 or 20 feet high (I don’t have a good sense of these things!), which was known in the family as Duncan’s Tree. Duncan is our younger son, who just turned 43 a few weeks ago.

Now this tree started as a tiny sapling that Duncan was given at school when he was about 8, and it was a Mother’s Day gift. I said to him, as tactfully as I could, that I did not feel equipped to plant and nurture this sapling, and besides, I didn’t know where in the world I could possibly plant it in our tiny yard. However, I suspected that his grandmother in Ketch Harbour would be happy to receive it, and would know exactly where to plant it, and how to tend to it. Which she did. She loved and nurtured that tree over many years.

That afternoon I took a picture and sent it to Duncan as none of us had seen it for years. The next thing I knew he had posted it on his facebook page, complete with fond memories of his grandmother taking him out to see it every time he came for a visit. He also told a funny story about her being mad at his grandfather for nearly running over the tree with his lawnmower because he didn’t see it.

His post generated a number of posts from his friends, who remembered well the little sapling they were given, and some even said they wanted to drive by where their little sapling was planted to see how it was doing.

My mother in law knew it would take a long time for that tree to grow … to stand on its own and be strong against lawnmowers and storms and animals … it was an act of faith and hope … and an invaluable lesson for a small boy to have faith that in time, the tree would grow big.

Hope to see you all on Sunday!